Usually my mailbox at home is filled with junk mail, coupon books and random magazines I may or may not still pay for. But recently, a special handwritten envelope made its way into my mailbox. When I picked it out of the pile of mail, I could practically feel joy emanating from it.
My name in cursive, the return address from a beloved client.
Enclosed was a beautiful card. Tears ran down my face as I read her words.
Tears of pure joy.
Inside, with special care, she wrote...
“Lori, it has been one year since our first official coaching session. In honor of our anniversary I wanted to express my gratitude! I feel so fortunate that we bumped into each other before dinner was served at the gala — and even more grateful to have found you again at the after party when, after a glass of champagne (and what could potentially be considered our first real coaching session), I asked awkwardly for your number. Ha!
Over the last year you have helped me in more ways than you will ever know. From tactical people management scenarios to processing evolving paths of life, womanhood, communication with (husband), clarifying my values and innate talents to rewiring my daily habits and mindset —THANK YOU.
THANK YOU for your innate ability to see true colors, to change and empower.
THANK YOU for crying with me on more than one occasion — feeling, relating and empathizing alongside me.
THANK YOU for inspiring me with your own drive, ambition and courage as you grow your business, dig deeper and take risks.
THANK YOU for connecting me and bringing me into your network of women and colleagues.
THANK YOU for EMBODYING JOY ❤️ And, teaching me that sometimes our only job is to love with all that we have.
THANK YOU for crystalizing so much in my mind while teaching me there is a season for everything.
You are amazing. All my love. xoxo”
Are you yearning for the same changes as my client?
Longing to be seen for the most magnificent parts of yourself?
You don’t have to go it alone — your full potential is waiting. Let’s find out if I’m the coach to help you unlock it. Click here to schedule your FREE 1:1 consultation today and take the first step toward the transformation you deserve.