To all of my clients, non-clients, followers, non-followers, friends, colleagues and fellow women:
I hear you loud and clear. The pressure is mounting. Your team is smaller, the expectations are greater, and the challenges feel daunting. It’s easy to feel like you’re about to collapse under the weight of it all.
And if there is anyone to blame, well, it must be YOU, right? You have to be the problem. If only you…..
Did more.
Had more.
Managed better.
Organized better.
Lead your team better.
Communicated more clearly.
Slept less.
Exercised more.
Dressed better.
(on and on….)
Many of you — meaning every single client I spoke to this week — expressed that your confidence is shaken. You feel defeated and depleted, and you’re questioning if you can keep at this never-ending pace.
I want to remind you: you are not alone and this is not the end of your story.
Every single human I know goes through bouts of lacking confidence, forgetting who they are and what they’re made of. It’s part of the human experience. The question is, what do you do when this happens to you?
Connect the Dots: A Little Reflection
Confidence comes from a deep sense of satisfaction that we have the ability to accomplish a task or goal. Think back to the early days of your career when you first took on a leadership role. You didn’t have all the answers, but you had resilience, vision, and a fierce determination to make an impact.
Harness that energy ✨ Grit, drive, and ambition all carried you then and it will still carry you today.
Sprinkle in a bit of finesse and curiosity. Now is not the time to be too hard on yourself or too full of yourself.
Line up data points of success in your mind. You’ve led teams, scaled operations, negotiated complex deals, and turned vision into action. Now is no different. This reminds me of #GretchenEvans — the most highly decorated female veteran in US history. When I met her this summer, she shared a story from when she was in a combat situation in Afghanistan. When her team was trapped between enemies, and their lives were on the line, she pulled a maneuver from her basic training days. Her experience had prepared her for that moment, her instincts kicked in, and while one soldier was lost, the remainder got to safety and the mission was executed. 💥
(You can follow Gretchen and her incredible story on Instagram: Gretchen Evans)
You already have the answer within you. You have the solution to the problem. What you need is the confidence to keep on going.
Here’s what will help rebuild your confidence:
Hint: Quiet the noise
Stop the negative internal chatter. It’s damaging and unhelpful. How do you do this? Focus on your proven success rate, reinforce an “I can” attitude, and open your neural pathways that focus on possibility and curiosity.
Additionally, find some time for quiet. Even if you have only five minutes, the power of breathing, being still, and vision work will help you focus on the results you want instead of the ones you don’t.
Nudge: Celebrate Small Wins
Esteemable acts build esteem. The more you take action, the more you will see momentum, and the more you will see small wins. Celebrate them!
Suggestion: Make a Friday practice of recording your wins for the week. Keep them in a note or journal and before you know it, you’ll see the your success start to build! I did this for years and it proved to be a helpful resource with annual reviews and STAR formats!
Reminder: Ask for Help or Delegate
You don’t have to do this alone. Lean on your network, mentor, coach, or team. Ask for help. It’s not a sign of weakness, it’s a demonstration of strength and maturity. Delegation is an important part of leadership. When you trust others and empower your team, you create space for yourself to focus on what truly drives the business.
However, do this with caution. Do not over delegate to the same people. Avoiding burnout is important for your whole team, not just you.
Remember: This is Just a Season
This feels like a season of pressure, but seasons always change. This experience could be the stepping stone to an even greater breakthrough. Every challenge you face is an opportunity to grow, refine your leadership skills, and build yourself and your business into something even stronger.
Battle Cry: Remember Who You Are
I’m talking to the badass within you. The one who knows she can do hard things, the one who has faced challenges and kept going. Her. You. Dig deep, honey girl. You didn’t get where you are without facing challenges. You became the leader you are today because you know how to overcome obstacles. Lean into your resilience, your experience, and your awesomeness. You’ve got this.
And if you still think you don’t, I’m one call away. We will get you unstuck. I promise.