Ever find yourself questioning your dreams and your own audacity to even have them? Then running through a list of reasons to squash them yourself?
Yah. Me, too.
My stream of conscious ramble goes something like this:
Who the heck do I think I am? I grew up in a tiny little town in Maine with only a single traffic light. I was sheltered from any religious or ethnic diversity. Nobody talked about politics, money or emotions. I didn’t go to an Ivy League, rather I went to a state school. And my parents didn’t go to college at all and had to work tirelessly to provide.
But then I think about my internal drive to succeed, my ability to study and excel in both school and sports; how at a young age I knew I would leave Maine. I fantasized about big lights and big cities. I longed for the world beyond Maine’s borders. I was curious and delighted with just what might await me on the other side of this sleepy little world I was living in.
What about you? Did you long for something more growing up?
When I finally made my break after college, I made my way to Tampa, FL where I got my first job working for Anheuser-Busch. You might ask, how would a small-time girl who went to a small, state school get such a break? A combination of what would become my recipe for life: relationships (my family had a connection), work ethic (cum laude), a proven track record (scholar athlete awards), mixed with a hint of luck, timing and faith.
How you interact with people can single handedly impact the trajectory of your entire life. Building a network of friends will not help you get where you want to go in life. Rather, you need a network of allies who can both mentor and sponsor you; people who will speak on your behalf and advocate for you when you are not in the room. Think of three such people and reach out to them for a 30-minute connect. You will be so glad after the fact.
Let’s be clear here, work ethic isn’t an imaginary badge of honor of who can put in the longest hours or whose emails are stamped from the wee hours of the night. Rather, work ethic is a willingness to go the extra mile; a knowing when to put your foot on the gas and lean into some real grit and effort. When challenges arise, work ethic will be what guides you through. Treat her with respect, if misused you may suffer burnout.
A proven track record is your Black American Express Card – it’s going to get you in just about anywhere while instilling confidence in others. It’s also a tangible reminder of past triumphs during moments of self-doubt. Journal prompt: write down the highlights of your proven track record. What are you most proud of?
Add a hint of luck, timing and faith and I’m pretty sure it will all work out. It always does, doesn’t it?
I left my Corporate VP role to become a stay-at-home mom when my son was 17. I was not at all sure that I was prepared for what lay ahead. But, you know what? It brought me here, to this body of work. And, when I look back, every step I took, every hoop I jumped through, every mountain I climbed, it all prepared me for this moment. Moments of meeting with ambitious, high performing women who live in a perpetual state of stress, feeling like no matter where they are – work or home – they just aren’t doing enough and that there is no end in sight. Empty and overwhelmed they just throw money after their guilt (hey kids want a new XBOX? ) and bad habits (what’s one more glass of wine going to hurt?) as a way to cope with the chaos and demands. I get it. I walked in these shoes for 25 years.
Then I broke free.
I did the work.
I made a new life for myself.
And that has made all of the difference.
I am Lori Pine, the Joy CEO and I can teach you to be the Joy CEO of your life too. This way of living is available to anyone with an open mind and a willingness to grow.
READY TO BECOME A JOYFUL EXECUTIVE? Let’s see if my 3-hour Joy Power Boost Session can help you unlock a troubling situation (problematic boss, marriage or child; situation that is keeping you up at night, or worse…something that has you crying yourself to sleep). In a 15-minute consult, we will see if we can unlock some relief for you in this power packed session and give you a 30-day plan to keep you on track! BOOK HERE for your free consult call.

Lori Pine is an award winning Corporate Vice-President, team leader, and goal-getter who has worked with global powerhouse brands like Anheuser-Busch, The Coca-Cola Company and Campbell’s Soup Company. Now a Certified Executive Leadership Coach, Lori helps women executives establish healthy organizational practices with the goal of creating thriving professional and personal lives. Lori learned first hand the pressures of being a woman on the rise and all that comes with making it to the corner office. Her friends and clients call her the trusted clarifier because she can see a problem clearly and identify a pathway with compassion and action steps. When she’s not helping fabulous women find more joy, Lori is traveling the world, reading books, or soaking in her family and friends. She lives in the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY with her husband, her 2 sons, and her 2 Golden Retrievers, Lucy and Annie.