- Sleep. I am an 8-hour a night kind of girl. I need my rest. If not, I am going to pay for it and so will those around me! Sleep is a necessity. It’s not a luxury or an indulgence. Now don’t get me wrong, there were times in my life, when I ran on little sleep (those days with little boys, tiny infants, sick babies, and the like… you can read my blog here.) But, now? I’m intentional about shutting it all down and getting myself to bed by 9pm to ensure I’m asleep by 10pm for a 5:30am wake-up.
- Hydration. Are you getting half of your body weight in water each day? I used to get that much in Diet Coke, until I realized how awful it was making me feel. My body needed straight up H2O in order to purify, cleanse and thrive. Today, I walk around with a Yeti and make frequent potty stops. The bags under my eyes have improved and I feel much more vibrant. (I’m 5 years caffeine-free!)
- Move your body. I’m not saying run a marathon or go to the gym for hours. But DO move your body. Small increments can help reset your mind, get your blood flowing, build strength, and improve your overall mood. Find your daily minimum. If you can’t go for a run, or get outside and walk, your daily minimum will be the non-negotiable that you absolutely will do. Perhaps it will be as simple as 10 push ups or 10 minutes of stretching before you get into bed. Something, anything, is better than nothing. Do that something every day and go from there. Most everything will improve. (If you’re following me @loripine, you know I’m always working on this one!)
- Downtime. When the boys were young, we called it Friday Night Movie Night. It was a thing. We had dinner on the couches. I made popcorn. We snuggled in just the 3 of us. It was magical and it was my favorite night of the week. During the chaos of my corporate life, juggling them between school, after-care, and a part-time nanny, we welcomed the sanctity of being home together. They picked the movie, and I enjoyed every minute of them laying all over me. As they got older, that tradition continued. And when I met my now-husband, he fell in love with our Friday night tradition and soon found young boys snuggled up with him, too. It is food for the soul, and I highly encourage you to find downtime that nourishes you, no matter what stage of life you’re in. The boys are now in college. When they are home you can bet that we will all be home, snuggled in with popcorn and movies on a Friday night and my heart will overflow with pure JOY!
- Friendships and Connections. Who are the people that make your heart sing? You know those friends that you might not see often, but when you do you squeal with delight? Call them. Visit them. Invite them to lunch. Be intentional and whatever you do, do not cancel. Show up. Put your phone away. Look them in the eye. Hug them and tell them how happy you are to see them. Looking to expand your circle of friends? Go to a women’s retreat. Find a topic or an instructor that is like-minded to you. Ask friends what they do. Take a risk, open yourself up. It could truly change your life!
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