I got 57 women in the same room. Here’s how it went….

Nov 08, 2023

Ever since I can remember, I had a longing, an ache.  I have worked from home for years, decades.  I would travel to see customers, bosses, teammates.  Planes, trains, and automobiles has always been a tagline.  I’ve never minded the busyness, but there were times when a hint of loneliness was palatable.  I was looking for other women, ambitious and hell-bent, juggling and struggling; women who worked outside of my company, perhaps my industry.  Women who would understand the climb, the hustle, the grit.  I knew they existed, right here in my own community.  But, where?


For years I fantasized about meeting them.  In reality, I was far too busy to do anything about it.  So, it remained a fantasy.

Then, in 2021, at the height of my career, I became a stay-at-home-mom.  Yes.  My son was 17.  The pandemic was taking its toll.  I thought he was the one crumbling and I needed to step in and save him.  As it turns out, I was in equal need of a transformation, one that would require me to save myself.  

Loneliness set-in.  My son went to school.  My husband went to work.  And, I looked around at both of the dogs unsure what to do with myself.  

Google Search: executive womens’ networking group newburgh ny


Google Search: executive womens’ networking group hudson valley, ny


Surely, I cannot be the only executive level, seasoned professional who finds herself lonely, unable to find meaningful connections, talk in real, authentic conversations that have depth and breadth.  Surely, not, right?

I started asking around.  A friend who runs a wildly successful consulting company.  She’s definitely interested.  A friend in-between VP level gigs.  For sure interested.  An SVP, a CEO.  Enough to start.

I picked a date, a venue, solicited my husband to sponsor the appetizers, created an Eventbrite, recruited a few ambassadors and promoted the sweet, holy hell out of it.

The outcome?  An astounding 57 women showed up that beautiful Wednesday night.  Fifty-seven.  When I inquired how many felt alone in their offices, nearly every single woman raised her hand.  When I asked how many had faced job loss, reorganizations, unscrupulous or micromanaging managers, the response was resounding. When I asked how many were longing for connections deeper than their name and title, they all raised their hands. 

The evening unfolded like a delicate silk gown.  Lovely, shimmering, a true show-stopper.  In fact it was so lovely that most of the women lingered until nearly an hour after the event actually ended.  The conversations were simply too good, too rich, too deep to end.  

This was unlike any typical networking event.

Exactly what I envisioned. 

If you’re seeking genuine connection and conversation, solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems, and if you’re feeling alone and isolated in your professional journey, or perhaps you’re in a period of transition, rest assured, you are not alone.  I founded the Hudson Valley Executive Women in Business group for women just like you – smart, ambitious, ready to uplevel with an incredible community of women cheering her on.  

Yes, please!

Join the private Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1282437868940542

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