Leaving Self-Doubt Behind at Canyon Ranch: My Personal Journey + A Personal Invitation to You

May 08, 2024

The neatly dressed man held a familiar sign at the bottom of the Tucson airport escalator. “Canyon Ranch” was my cue that he would drive me to the coveted resort. As my bags arrived, he loaded them into the black Mercedes Sprinter van, gathered a few more arriving guests, and we made our way.  We were all coming from different parts of the country, but all for the same reasons: to rejuvenate, to heal, to restore some part of us that was a bit broken, tired, or even lost.

I sat quietly. This was my third trip in three years and I was soaking in the anticipation of all that the next four days would bring: hallowed grounds, sacred moments, healing practitioners, soothing treatments, luxurious bedding, spirit walks, farm fresh food, and connection with magnificent women; women who are bright and bold, eager and tender, both mothers and leaders, wearing more hats than most.  Ahhh, I was so ready! 

The sights were familiar as the van approached the gated guard shack, then crept onto the eucalyptus lined street, a fresh welcome to “the Ranch”.  I could feel my shoulders relax. I was clear on my intentions for this week: the self-doubt I was carrying needed to be left behind. I was ready to stand in my own power and emerge from this week, a stronger, more powerful version of myself. I wanted to be back in touch with my purpose and my drive, the legacy that I will leave behind.

The front desk clerks greeted me with warm, fresh smiles. A welcome bag, a logo water bottle, a detailed service guide by day, a map, and an overview of my personal services. I chose wisely this year with a lot of ‘woo’: Clairvoyant Reading, Astrocartography Reading, Chakra Massage, Soul Journey, Desert Drumming Cardio, A Guided Labyrinth Tour, 3 Yoga Classes. 

How fast can I get to the spa?

I left my corporate career with a mission to empower other ambitious women to find joy so they can create a legacy of fulfillment. This applies to both their personal and professional lives. They may continue their ambitious pursuits which might include promotions, pivots, or pause. What I know for certain: when women find joy, everyone in their orbit – partners, children, friends, family, and co-workers – reaps the benefits. What we often overlook is that we hold the power to determine what brings us joy and where to find it. 

Busy women rarely take time for themselves. Guilt ridden by the amount of time they spend at work, they are often equally guilt ridden by the amount of time they need to spend at home to compensate. Retreats would be unnecessary. 

Yet, what if a retreat were the unlock that would allow you to slow down in order to go confidently, in a bold direction with more clarity?

I dream of bringing together groups of women who want to lift and support one another, to help one another rise, to understand they are not alone. In fact, many of us are going through similar circumstances and when we come together, we lighten each other’s burdens. This has been on my heart since 2012, shortly after my mom died. I knew there were other women out there who were likely going through something similar, but where were they? 

I firmly believe that when the tide rises, all the ships rise. It’s our job to raise the tide. But, my love, you cannot rise with the tide, if you are still swimming in a small pond, can you?

This is my purpose now. Connecting women and helping them rise. 

What if you could bask in the tranquility of Canyon Ranch for 4 days and 3 nights? That’s what I am putting into motion. Right. Now.  I am looking for 7 women to join me at Canyon Ranch Lenox in the beautiful Berkshires of Massachusetts where we will do everything I just described: bask, rest, restore, eat, relax, explore, renew, retreat. And, when we come out on the other side, we will be better women for it. Women with more joy. Our ripple will be kinder, gentler, more patient. We will gain a bit more clarity and perhaps, a bit more grace – for ourselves – and then for others.. 

If my experience is anything like what you can expect, you are going to leave behind what might have once helped you, but now no longer serves you. You can release it and make room for the new, the brave, the exciting. 

Will I see you October 29 – November 1st at Canyon Ranch in Lenox, MA? It would be my greatest honor if you joined me in this inaugural event! 

When: October 29 – November 1, 2024 | 4 days + 3 nights

Where: Canyon Ranch, Lenox, MA Canyon Ranch Lenox

Investment: $4,995 – all inclusive – including a $200/day credit for Canyon Ranch services.

Reply to this message for more information or if you have any questions! I promise this is a weekend worth every bit of the investment. I would love to have you join.


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