Get ready to feel
less depleted
& more fulfilled.

Executive life coaching to help you discover your true passion,
determine what’s holding you back, and dare to find your joy.


Get ready to feel
less depleted 
& more fulfilled.

Executive life coaching to help you discover your true passion,
determine what’s holding you back, and dare to find your joy.


Tell me, friend ... Can you relate?

➡️ You feel exhausted 24/7.

Like whole-body, afraid-to-rest-because-you-might-not-get-back-up exhausted. Self-care … What self-care?!

➡️ You have no idea how you got here. 

You’re living life on auto-pilot, and time seems to be flying by at warp speed ever since you turned 40.

➡️ You've got it all, but feel so empty. 

The executive role, high salary, nice things – check, check, check. But there’s still a gap you just can’t fill.

➡️ You've lost touch with your dreams. 

You’re so used to focusing on others (your employees, spouse, kids, parents, etc.) that you’ve forgotten what YOU really want.

You’ve tried ALL the strategies to find your joy –

🤓 Courses,

đź“šSelf-help books,

🌙📱Middle-of-the-night Googling,

when you’re alone with your thoughts, and more – but you’re still left wondering: 

"Is This Really It?"

Ready to finally get unstuck?

Hey, I’m Lori – The Joy CEO.

If “stuck” is the first word that comes to mind when you think of your life, you’re in the right place. I provide highly personalized, 1:1 executive life coaching to guide you to a life you love – one that lights you up and fuels your soul.

During our coaching sessions, we won’t just skim over feel-good topics. We’ll dive deep into what’s holding you back from experiencing true joy, even if it’s painful. Sometimes, it may require simple lifestyle changes. Other times – big, bold pivots. Either way, I’ve got your back!

As a life pivot specialist, I’ll give you clear, actionable steps to navigate your new direction so you can see an immediate impact and step into a more fulfilling life.

The Joy Power Boost Intensive

Three-hour fast track to clarity.

One-to-One Coaching

Personalized coaching for long-term support. 

Let's start with


To revitalize your leadership and find relief from the worry cycle.

A 3-hour coaching session + 30-day action plan to help you finally breakthrough “that thing” that’s been gnawing at you all day and keeping you up all night. 

 Maybe you’re *this* close to walking out on your job because you can’t take another minute or your overbearing, micro-managing boss.

Maybe you’re knee-deep into raising a grumpy, grunting teenager and wondering what you EVER did to deserve such bad karma. 

Maybe you’re feeling empty and alone in your marriage, teetering from “just sticking it out” to upending your entire life with a divorce. (It could go either way!)

Book Your JOY Power Boost Today!

No matter what’s weighing heavy on your heart, soul, and mind, know that relief is ahead. 

With The Joy Power Boost, we’ll get to the root of what’s causing all the spinning and swirling in your life so you can quickly reclaim your joy. 

Here’s what’s included in The Joy Power Boost Intensive:

➡️ A 3-hour, 1:1 coaching call with yours truly. 
Take a deep breath. This is a safe and trusted space to discuss what’s holding you back. Even if you’re unsure about WHY you’re feeling the way you are, don’t worry. My superpower is helping you get clear on what you want and don’t want in life.

➡️ A 30-day, step-by-step action plan. 
So we’ve talked everything out, I’ve provided my expert advice, and you’re feeling fired up to make a change. Great! Next comes a strategic, easy-to-implement action plan so you can turn all that momentum into real, joyful results. 

➡️ A month’s worth of weekly, 1:1 check-ins. 
As you’re changing, growing, and implementing new habits, questions are bound to pop up. I’ll be here to provide quick and caring feedback, personalized support, and extra motivation to help you stay on track. 

Book Your JOY Power Boost

Kelly C.

"I was stuck in a highly successful, sought after role for a global company. My heart was yearning for something very different. When a friend referred me to Lori, I was drawn to her candor, warmth, and clarity. In my 3-hour session I was able to identify my block, gain new perspective, and create an action plan that set me on an entirely new course. You can’t wipe the smile off of my face today! The freedom is priceless."

Looking for longer-term support? 

If you’re a long-term relationship kind of gal, I’ve got you! We can start with The Joy Power Boost and then extend your coaching package to my signature 6-month experience.

It’s all about YOU. 

You tell me how much support and accountability you require, and I’ll be there – with my big, bold dreams for you – to guide the way! 

Premium, high-touch ONE-TO-ONE COACHING to
Restore Your Sense of Self and Help You Reclaim Your Joy

A 6-month coaching package that includes weekly and bi-weekly sessions to ground you, refocus you, and set you on a path that will transform you. 

My proven, 6-part framework promotes a whole new way of thinking, so you can experience a whole new level of joy. (Happy dancing, optional.) 

Why 6 Months?

You’ve done The Joy Power Boost and are amazed by the shifts you’ve already experienced in such a short time frame.
But now you want to keep the momentum going and ensure you don’t slip back into old, destructive habits. 
Sure, you could do it on your own – you’re unstoppable, after all! – but you know you’ll be THAT much more successful with a trusted coach by your side. Someone who’s been in your shoes, knows you and your business inside out, and is fully invested in your growth. 

If The Power Boost has shaken up your world (in a good way) and given you ALL the ah-ha moments, just imagine what we can accomplish in six months with even more personalized, 1:1 support! 

Here’s what’s included in my one to one coaching:

➡️ Regularly scheduled calls to give you my most focused attention. 
We will meet weekly for the first few months, or as your schedule permits. I’m flexible - our calls might be 60 minutes, they might be 30 minutes. You decide, you’re the one you booked and over booked. I am the one here to help you overcome all of this stress. I give you my undivided attention. I listen and I hear you. You can breathe now. When you change your thinking, you change your life. 

➡️ Sustainable action plans to keep you on track and accountable.
A whole lotta talk and no action won’t get us anywhere. I’m going to need to keep you accountable. As we talk in each session I will ask you if you’re willing to make an action plan. You won’t want to, but oh, my darling, you will. And, this will be magic. I promise. I will see things in you that you could never see in yourself.

➡️ Abundant resources to save you time and grow your network.
I share and give and over-share! You’re going to get access to my favorite books, podcasts, people, places. I will have connections and ideas, experiences and stories. I am constantly learning, meeting, going and doing and you will benefit because I will always share with you, my private ONE-TO-ONE client.

Early morning and Saturday appointments.  Access to me on weekday and Saturday mornings, as needed, for real-time feedback or support with anything that’s keeping you stuck in life or business.  

Book Your JOY Power Boost
Consider this your permission slip...

It's OKAY to focus on you.

That joy you're seeking? It comes from doing LESS instead of more. I'll show you how, so you can get to your true and lasting happy place.