Grab a cup of something steamy and dive into articles 
on all-things life and business. 

Happy July! I hope this blog post finds you in a serene beach setting, where you can unwind with your favorite beach read, SPF protecting your skin, and a refreshing sparkling water by your side. When I’m at the beach, I can’t help but let my mind wander and indulge in daydreams. But let me […]

July 6, 2023

Don’t Quit Your Daydream

Let’s be honest, you love your job – the pace, the work, the people, the industry, the constant learning, the leading, the “being in the know”. But there are moments when the demands of your job know no bounds, nor do they know a season. For some, summer means long weekends at the shore or […]

June 9, 2023

Embracing Summer Joy: Balancing your Executive Role and the Temptation to Play Hooky

May 24 – Written by Lori Pine, The Joy CEO You know her, the strong, empowered leader who seems to have it all together. She has clear intentions, takes little BS, and keeps her eyes on the big picture all while maintaining a Christmas card worthy family photo every year. How does she do it? […]

May 24, 2023

Fueling Your Leadership Journey: 6 Strategies to Pour from a Full Cup

 As women, we are so good at juggling.  We juggle all day long.  The kids, the drop-off, the bus schedule, the homework, the soccer shoes, the permission slip.  The things.  All the things.  And, that is just our warm-up before we get to our desk with our inbox blowing up and our ELT screaming that […]

February 16, 2023

The Art of the Pivot

1. Sleep.  I am an 8-hour a night kind of girl.  I need my rest.  If not, I am going to pay for it and so will those around me!  Sleep is a necessity.  It’s not a luxury or an indulgence.  Now don’t get me wrong, there were times in my life, when I ran on little sleep (those days with little boys, tiny infants, sick babies, and the like… you can read my blog here.)  But, now?  I’m intentional about shutting it all down and getting myself to bed by 9pm to ensure I’m asleep by 10pm for a 5:30am wake-up. 

February 3, 2023

How to Relish Self-Care without Spending a Dime

February and March are not the easiest months for me.  New York is often gray and cold and while the days are starting to get longer, they are not near long enough.  The festivities of Thanksgiving and the holidays are well behind us at this point with the bubbling of gratitude and togetherness a mere […]

January 28, 2023

Why Gratitude is a Year Around Practice